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too much tv

It was about a year ago that I first started this blog, as 'squibix goes west.' Seems like a whole lot longer than that, I have to say! I can hardly remember back then. In fact, the only reason I thought of it was that today I was watching the Patriots play the Colts in the playoffs, and it occurred to me that I had written a post or two about the last superbowl. Well, here's hoping I'll get to compose something similar this year! So far so good, with a convincing win by the Pats today--which is wonderful and all, except for one thing: watching football games is alot of time in front of the tv. And... it doesn't help if you watch two or three more shows after the game is over.

Oh well, we don't watch very much tv on a regular basis, so I guess we'll survive. And Leah went to the gym for two or three hours of her tv time, so at least she was building muscle while her brain attrophied. Me, I went for the two-for-one deal and lost muscle and brain all at once! At least there's only three football games left until baseball season. And I expect they'll all be good ones.

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