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extra pepper

Despite my optimism last month, the tomatoes did not do nearly as well as they might have: sadly, late bight felled them all in the peak of their productivity. But lucky for us, the pepper plants are taking up the slack.

the day's harvest of hot peppers

hot colors

We have four varieties growing this year: jalapeños and Hungarian Yellow Wax hot peppers (well, hot-ish) and two cultivars of sweet pepper. Last year we didn't get a single sweet pepper from four plants, but this year they're going like champions, and we've already enjoyed—and given away—several of them. The hot peppers have been great producers every year we've grown them. There, the problem is what to do with them all: a family with young children can consume only so many hot peppers in a summer. You can probably guess at how we decided to do it.

two jars of pickled peppers

Peter Piper something something

Those are some of the Yellow Wax, pickled in what I am led to believe is the Italian style. Many of the jalapeños got processed into jelly, and others will be simply pickled at a later date. Put in your orders for birthday, wedding, or Christmas presents now!


Jalapeño jelly? We'll bring the cream cheese & crackers! We miss seeing you guys and your garden.

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