more super bowl observations
It seems that other people liked the game, as a game and spectacle, more than I did. Bob Ryan's column in the Globe is headlined 'Perhaps best Super Bowl ever played,' so I guess folks liked it. Sure, it was eventful and exciting, but I'm with Ty Law: 'It was a horrifying game.' I guess that just means I like defense better than offense; and since I wanted to see the Patriots defense step up and dominate, I was horrified along with the members of the secondary when the Panthers kept making those long passes. On the other hand all those sacks were awful nice, and the offense wasn't bad either. And, it was a win. So overall I may have to revise my initial impression and say it wasn't a bad game after all. By next year when I see the NFL Films Presents movie of it, I may well agree with the 'greatest game ever' hype. At least for that half hour, anyways.
Of course, getting nearly as much press as the game itself today is Janet Jackson's breast. Yes, it was a breast, and yes, it was clearly a deliberate move on Justin's part to expose it. 'Wardrobe malfunction,' pah. But I, for one, don't see what was the big deal: my decency was not offended, and I can't imagine how anyone else's could have been either. For goodness sakes, hasn't everyone seen nursing mothers before?! Breast, and even nipples, are not dirty or indecent and if your morality is offended by the presence of one on tv for the merest fraction of a second, you've got problems. That said, anything that means we'll never have to watch a silly halftime show like that again can't be all bad in my book.
And in case you didn't notice, they were so lip-synching.
- Danny
rain falls
Now we have some weather here, and ain't it nice. It was gray and cool all day, and at about 3:00 it started raining. It was weak, but something anyways. And after the sun set it started up again, and now it's just like real rain! I'm glad it's cool out, cause we've had the dehumidifier on all day to dry out some clothes, and man does that thing pump out the hot air. Where I'm sitting by the window (and where I sat all day) is just about perfect, cool on the one side and hot on the other, but I don't know about when it's time to go to bed...
The reason I sat in the same spot all day is I finally got everything set up properly so I can get some real work done, and I did so. So far most of it has been renumerative work that's not particularly interesting to the majority of folks, but I did (finally!) put together the page of Leah's paintings, and I'll put in on the site as soon as she gets home and I can ask her the title to one of them (which I forgot) and also make sure she likes the page. Next I hope to get together a few Santa Monica pictures, and then after that I may even try to start writing things again. I'm even thinking about another go at the words! Such optimism... I hope it lasts.
Leah has some good news and some sad news, but maybe she wants to write about it herself, so I'll leave that to her.
- Danny