new camera!
I got a new camera yesterday, a FujiFilm FinePix, at the recommendation of Oona who approves of this brand of cameras and suggested one in my cheapo price range. I loved my little casio exilim but after four years it lost its ability to tell when there's actually enough light to take a picture. Thus every image was overexposed. It seems to be a normal problem with casios, says the internet, but normal does not mean easily fixable said the man at the camera store... to the tune of $160!!! So I opted for a cheaper model, with the resigned understanding that it won't live for years and years because nothing lasts anymore in this throw-away age. Still, I'm happy to be able to take photos again at only $97 poorer.
This sort of image would have been completely blurry with my casio. It had trouble focusing at the end of its life, too. The FujiFilm seems to have a narrower depth of field, which isn't bad for the kind of pictures I'm taking, which is to say a hundred million pictures of my children per day.
I tried it out at dusk yesterday just because I was so excited to get it in the mail. We'll see what the full daylight image quality looks like. I mean, we'll all see because if I post a picture on the blog it'll be from this new camera.
Before asking Oona (which I should have done in the first place, duh) I spent a week looking at camera reviews on the internet. Dan suggested I look at the negative reviews on Amazon when considering cameras, and it turns out that's a recipe for hating capitalism. Seriously. Why would you want to buy something that broke out of the box for 6 people? Let's look at this other camera. Wait, it broke for 29 people??? WTF? Apparently 100% of cameras on the market break in the first month and are furiously hard to return. Why is everything a piece of crap? And yet so expensive?
Oh well. At least this camera works and my kids are adorable and (grudgingly) photogenic.