My education is going to cost a lot more money... that i found a Starbucks on the way to school.

As for the schooling itself, it's actually A LOT OF work. Last night i dreamed about market segmentation and value chains, AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE!!! Can one dream in powerpoint? ("This is me in my highschool hallway" *click* "Now i realize i've forgotten to wear pants." *click* "As you can see, this slide is all bold text in times-new-roman saying 'Where are my pants?'")

The good points of Babson are Starbucks on the way and my law professor who is waaaaaay nerdy-dreamy. I'm kind of enamored with my Law professor, mostly because he "drops the f-bomb" to make his poing when he's talking about civil suits. The first class i was afraid i had made a really big boo-boo; when we were talking about the millions of motions lawyers file before each trial, i asked, "Can't the judge say to the lawyers, like 'Cut the Bullshit you guys?'" Then suddenly i blushed, fearing i had broken the cardinal rule of no profanity in Business school. Turns out however, his answer was, "YES! WHY DON'T THEY FUCKING SAY THAT?!" So i guess there is profanity in B-School, or at least in the law department. Still, the professor prefers to say, "Fish or cut bait" rather than "shit or get off the pot," but that could be a hold-over from Law school, i'll have to ask Joanna.

I've been a bit sick this week, with a nasty cold in my chest which makes me start hacking whenever i laugh, which contrary to Dan's oppinion is NOT FUNNY!!! WHEN WILL YOU COME PRECIOUS VACATION??? I NEED YOU SO!
Come on Sale Shoppers, it's time to fish or cut bait, cuz i wanna go home.

Explaining the AIM Movie Bot on my Sidekick

"So you just type in, 'Hey Movie Bot, what time is Brokeback Mountain?'
And the movie bot is like, '...Fag.'"

"I was trying to think of a way to make that joke too, but, you know, less offensive."