bonus bonus knitting

If I have any semblance of new year's resolutions this year, it's to make more stuff with less stuff. For me this means finding small but useful projects to use up scrap yarn, doing some dreaded quilting with scrap fabric, and making more clothes for Harvey using our cast offs.

After making this christmas hat I had a very small ball of dark blue left. Serendipitously I also had a very small ball of blulky light blue wool left over from a hat I made for Lisa last year. I decided to put these two together into some sort of headband.

blue scrappy headband


(Apparently my other new years resolution is to make quicker blog posts by not taking real photos.)

I was bummed yesterday evening when I ran out of dark blue yarn to get it all the way around my head. I thought of finishing it with fabric and then despaired that my simple project was turning into something that needed, ugh, elastic. Then a few hours later I thought of a rather simple solution... make the back band thinner and use up the rest of the slightly longer light blue yarn.

blue scrappy headband - showing off the back

showin off the back band

In the end it juuuuust fit around my head. Even Harvey likes it.

harvey steals the blue headband

"Havey do it?"

In fact, he stole it for himself, which is what happens to most headbands in this house.

headband on Harvey

the natural order of things
