half way to baby!

We're into the cruising part of pregnancy, where nothing much happens for two months except I continue to get fatter. I feel great, like a normal person even, except for this frontal protrusion which is about the size a duffle bag. I said on Tuesday to my healthcare provider, I'm much more excited about being a mom than I am about being a fat lady. Oh well. That's like saying you're excited about college for the drinking, but not for the going to class. Suck it up, fratboy!

Also, we've started to feel the baby kicking, which is very exciting. To celebrate, we played him/her 30 minutes worth of good music (Ives, some jazz, some bluegrass...) She didn't react much to the tunes, but then she started kicking when we turned it off. I dont get it; did she like it or not?