very very very pre-med

So our blog is currently being comment spammed all over the place by "preteen lolitas." Or rather, not the lolitas themselves, but their PR handlers.

That's not something that surprises me very much; we often get comment spam on account of how hugely popular and influential our blog is. Although as a side note, I do think that the phrase "preteen lolitas" is a little bit redundant. Isn't lolitas alone good enough for you people?

But here's something weird. The comment spam points to this url:

Stamford Premed forum? It appears that what you once believed was a venerable university is merely a sham front for a child exploitation ring.

For its part, the Stamford Premed forum seems to be a real thing, "created in November 2006 in order to connect premeds to each other as well as to medical students, and to provide an arena for the exchange of information in our community."

Sure, being a med student is intellectually and emotionally taxing. You need a release sometimes. What's some porn sharing between friends?

But then you start to think, "This is going well and all, but I'd really like to get my pre-teen lolita porn out to a wider audience." And then it just snowballs from there. Posting on graduate education message board is merely a gateway online marketing tactic. Comment spam isn't far behind.

As an online marketing professional myself, I feel dirty by association. But as a former preteen lolita, I have to admit that I'm a bit flattered by all the attention. You hungry internet surfers. You want my blog so bad.

I still got it.
