holy moly

The Boston Sunday Globe "broke the news" this morning in its "Ideas" section that while 2/3 of people surveyed in the US believed the bible carries all the answers to life's questions, only 1/2 of people could name AT LEAST ONE of the Gospels. That's AT LEAST one, people. After some quick math, that means that over 15% of the people who believe the bible is honest-to-God truth couldn't pull the name "Matthew" out of their butts. or Mark. or Luke. or John. I was born Jewish you guys, but i still didn't need to cross-check those names somewhere else in the internet.

So in Sunday School this morning, i did an informal test of my 8th graders. We were talking about the Enunciation, and i asked the boys if any of them knew who it was who baptized Jesus. You know, the guy in the water, preaching and telling people to repent of their sins? Who was that guy? I'll give you a hint, his name ends in "-The Baptist".

"Um," said one of the boys, "Moses?"