Not like funny Ha Ha...

(Wherein members of my family understand none of the allusions, and hard-core internet geeks say, "You read dooce? that's sooooo lame.")

My favorite blog,, recently introduced advertising so overpowering that i am tempted to look for a new favorite personal complaint diary. Other than my own, i mean. Still, i can't blame her; Heather's husband had to quit his job from the daily waking up daily with migranes (which i can thoroughly understand) and since Heather has like the second most popular female blog in the universe, after Miss Huffington of course, she's now attempting to support her entire family Utah purely through internet self-published ad content.

Makes me think, Hey, i write everyday. more sometimes, in fact. Why can't the squibix web get thousands upon thousands of readers daily? Who also want to learn about unique web shopping opportunities? Is it the lack of funnyness? too much funny sad and not enough funny ha ha? Talk to me people! I can tell jokes! (That's not what your mama told me last night!... no wait...)