Puppy-shape hole
Dan and i are heading up to the animal shelter in Sterling tomorrow afternoon. WHY MUST I BE TORTURED WITH WAITING YET ANOUTHER DAY????!!! There is a big puppy-shaped hole in my heart, that desperately yearns to be filled with little puppy licks and tail-wags and a little cold nose pressing against my cheek at 5am in the morning when it's 30 degrees outside and time for a walk! I don't know how i ever get so obsessed with things, but right now i want that puppy so bad that it physically hurts. Last night we were lying in bed, and i made Dan say a prayer for the perfect puppy, and then when he was done i turned to him, all thunder and excitement, and said, "Are we really gonna get a puppy?? really?? Can we really get a puppy and take him home with us and love him???"
Dan was like: "You're crazy."
Dan doesn't get crazy excitied about things in the same way i do, (the jumping around repetitive way) but he is very tollerant and supportive, which is to say whatever hair-brain scheme i come up with (getting a puppy, planning a big wedding, demanding several thousand dollars for engagement jewelry) Dan basically just says, "okay" like he knew we were gonna come to this sooner or later, and now is just as good a time as any. Still, i think he's secretly excited in his own way about a little puppy in the house. I mean, he wants to have REAL BABIES someday, and we have to start somewhere.
Please Please Please no one adopt our puppy from Sterling before we get there. We're coming on Thursday Puppy!!! Wait there for your new mommy and daddy!
I Wanna Be Ready When He Comes
Tonight i will be preparing for the possible arrival for a possible puppy: getting from my parents a doggy crate and bed which no longer fit their little Lokie doggy. As of now the Shepherds and the Labs are still on the shelter website for adoption, but will they still be there this time tomorrow???????
The title of this post also refers to my job right now... I was scrambling around all morning for my boss who never actually showed up, and now i'm still scrambling around to complete a million work projects.
Really though, the title is the title of a song that's playing on my ITunes right now. I borrowed from Dan a really great CD of A Capella Gospel, and when this song came on i immedietly thought of the puppy, and not, you know, of the messiah. Maybe if Jesus came with a cold wet nose and wagity tail things would be different.