A fever is a sign of weakness -- you will be assimilated

A note to children everywhere:
Enjoy your sick days while you can!!! Those sleepy mornings when you wake up with a sore throat and a tummy ache and your head feels all hot and your legs feel all noodly... Lap it up munchkins! The day is coming when you will wake up and feel like that, and thn you will suck it up and go to WORK, because the world is a harsh hard place with no sympathy for kiddles with the flippin flu.

On a brighter note, Dan woke up at 6 in the morning to bake me muffins, and when i woke up moaning and groaning and collapsing on the bathroom floor, he also make me tea and oatmeal. He is now home cleaning the house and planting new flowers and lord knows what else. Yesterday he brought me lunch in the middle of the day. Married life is apparently wonderful, especially if you afford to support a full-time homemaker. I can afford to support mine for about anouther month-and-a-half, at which time i will need to either get a raise or a second full-time job. A second job AND grad-school; are you crazy leah??? Crazy for muffins, i am!