happy halloween!
Thanks for visiting our website! This Halloween we baked cookies to give out to trick-or-treaters. Non-standard, we know, but there are a bunch of reasons we decided to do it:
- Candy isn't awesome - Don't get us wrong: we like eating the stuff. But candy is industrial and suffers in quality as a result. Some say it's made using slave labor. Some say it breaks kids brains. From experience we can say that candy makes us feel icky and makes our kids difficult to deal with.
- Cookies are awesome - They're not exactly health food, but cookies are made with simple ingredients like sugar and butter, rather than corn syrup and hydrogenated palm oil. Cookies don't turn our kids into gremlins.
- We like baking - We bake all the time for family and friends and occasionally for strangers. We never buy industrial candy for anyone. Why should we change our lives just for Halloween?!
- We like neighbors - We figure there's a chance that someone might contact us to make sure we're on the up-and-up. Great! We've only lived in this neighborhood for ten years, so there are lots of people we haven't met yet. Give us a call!
Of course, we expect you might have some questions.
- Are you crazy hippies? - Yes, probably.
- Are these cookies safe? - Yes. Historically, poisoned Halloween treats is not a real thing, though the media would have you think otherwise. News outlets all over the country are telling parents to "[c]heck for signs of tampering or small holes" in their kids' candy, as well as throwing away any homemade treats. That's a lot of work to prevent something that has never happened in the past ever. We invite you to fight the media's push to make you unreasonably anxious.
- What about allergies? - Fair point. Our cookies have wheat, dairy, and eggs, and the peanut butter ones obviously have peanuts. The non-peanut ones were baked on a different day so there was no wholesale cross-contamination, but people with severe allergies might want to stay away anyways. Sorry! We'd be happy to bake something guaranteed-safe on request!
We hope you enjoy the cookies, and that you have a great Halloween!
Leah, Dan, Harvey, Zion, and Elijahmore about us