the state of the blog
You wouldn't necessarily know it by the post numbers, but we've hit a thousand posts. Plus one, actually: this here is the one thousand and first post here on the squibix family blog. The missing fifteen or whatever posts were deleted, but not because we changed our mind about the content—how could we? we never read it!—but because when Moveable Type was breaking it threw out a bunch of duplicate posts that we had to get rid of once sanity was restored.
Anyways, given the milestone I thought I'd toss out some stats:
- Total number of posts, to date: 1,000
- Posts by Leah: 370
- Posts by Danny: 610
- Mystery missing posts (by squibix? what?): 20
- Month with most posts: tied, February '04 and January '07 with 41 each
- Month with least posts: Um, there were some with none in the summer of 2004
- Okay, not counting those: December '04 with 1, November '04 with 2, and November '07 with 3
- Posts about Rascal: 91 that reference him by name above the fold, anyways
- Posts by Danny at least in part about the weather: probably about two or three hundred
- Posts that are at least moderately amusing: maybe a few, here and there
- Other blogs on (where we got started) that are still seeing new posts: none! We win!