I love Harvey when he's sleeping

Most evenings Harvey falls asleep fine; Leah feeds him and he drifts off while eating, and he stays zonked out while we transfer him to his bed. Every once and a while, though, he's overtired or overstimulated or who-knows-what, and I have to lug him around, joggling him slightly, until he drifts off. Since I naturally am doing this in the dark, I can't see his eyes to judge his wakefulness, but luckily he provides another clue. Wide awake, he pulls both hands up to his belly as I cradle him in my arms, but the more sleepy he gets the lower that outside hand drops until, full sleep indicated, it hangs completely limp. Pretty cute! Of course, he fights to stay awake, so the arm will go up and down over the course of several minutes, but I know that in the end he won't be able to keep his eyes open or his muscles tense, and then I can finally relax my own muscles and put him down. No need for gym memberships; you should see these biceps now!

And sometimes everybody is tired.
