a curious encounter

a sign by the bike path

looks innoffensive enough...

The other day I was walking the babies in the morning and we saw an odd sight. For some reason someone association the American Lung Association has put up a number of signs around the beginning of the bike path that read "Breathe. Cycle with us", and apparently they are not universally admired. As we came around a bend in the path I couldn't help but notice an older gentleman wearing day-glo yellow cycling attire pull one of the signs out of the ground and slide it underneath a handy train car. Was he an ALA member removing out-of-date advertisements? Was he a smoker who hated being reminded of the toll his addiction was taking on his ability to cycle comfortably? I don't know. I do know that after I gave him a ostentatiously curious look he hesitated at the next sign, and then passed by leaving it unmolested.

Me, I pulled the sign he'd taken down right out from under that train and put it back up. What can I say, I'm a contrarian!
