enough! or too much!

I had the busiest possible day yesterday. The boys and I left home at 7:30 in order to get to church to set up for the Kids Church Christmas performance; from 9:15 to 10:30 49 elementary kids and a handful of adults worked to put the finishing touches on a show we'd only worked on for a couple hours previously. The show ran til 11:00 and it was great, and I'm so glad it's over. Then we had half an hour of hot chocolate, chatting, and caroling on the playground before I went in to do child care for the families community group (though I guess it wasn't really the busiest possible since we only had a couple kids, down from the 14 or so from last week). After everybody else went home I spent an hour cleaning up from the performance, and then Harvey, Zion, and I headed to opera rehearsal (Elijah had gone home with Leah at 11:30; they had their own afternoon adventures). From 2:30 to 3:15 I was instructed in my little solo part while the boys waited around, then we all waited around until large-group rehearsal started at 4:15 (Harvey and I checked out the Dollar Tree next door). Rehearsal ran until 6:30, and we got home at 7:15. Good thing Leah made dinner!