No more doggies jumping on the bed!!!

This weekend we are taking care of Lokie, my parents' well-trained yet sensitive Shetland Sheepdog. Mom and Dad dropped him off at 10 last night, just as leah and dan were exhausted from working 12hours straight without a break and lugging around a crazed puppy all day, respectively. The dogs proceeded to go completely bonkers, an activity at which they have yet to relent. We had hoped that Rascal would sleep on the bed and lokie on his doggy bed on the floor, or that even (we had dreamed wistfully) both dogs would sleep on the floor. Unfortunately, the bed was apparently the place to be last night, with Lokie jumping off and on intermitantly, and Rascal waking up each time to roll over and paw us in the face. When i woke up at 6 to go to the bathroom, both puppies started fighting with each other needed to be taken out. 6am in my pajamas with two leashes is not the coolness fashion statement of the year, i have to say. Today both Dan and i look like Zombies.
"Can't i go to work and you stay home with the dogs?" --Dan

Completely unrelatedly, i was talking to my bestest friend in the universe last night.
Oona: So that new Narnia movie comes out soon. Did you read the books?
Leah: I did when i was a kid, but i never realized it was a christian story.
Oona: Well it is, but the Christianity is mostly subtle.
Leah: The lion dies in a sacrifice to save the children and is then brought back to life. C.S. Lewis is like the most Christian guy evar.
Oona: Actually he only came to Christianity later in life. Him and Tolken talked alot about it, and from those conversations came both the Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings.
Leah: How do you know so much stuff?
Oona: I'm a big nerd.
Leah: You can't be a nerd, you're too hot.
Oona: Well i like to read a lot.
Leah: Oh. Maybe that's why i'm hotter than you, because i don't like to read.
Oona: I guess so.
Leah: That was a joke. You were supposed to laugh.

dog days

Leah isn't kidding about the chaos caused by two dogs and two humans trying to fit into a bed which is, it must be said, properly built for only two creatures of any sort. I'd like those two to be Leah and myself, though it's true that last night I would have accepted a clear shot at getting the doggy bed to myself; I said as much to Leah, but she thought I was joking.

Taking care of the two dogs during the day was thankfully much easier. Walking them both wasn't any trouble at all--I felt kind of like I was flying one of those stunt kites, holding a retractable leash in each hand--and they kept each other pretty well entertained while I was working. They did prevent the running of any significant errands, but watching them fight--er, play--more than made up for that. We should charge admission!