smarty Harvey

Harvey is no longer a guinea-pig. By that I don't mean that we have stopped testing industrial solvents on him—er, nor were we formerly—but that he has at five months and a bit developed rather more personality than he had at one month. If at least fifty percent of that personality is a dislike for going to sleep, so be it. We'll take it.

In all seriousness, he has become remarkably human. He turns to look at new people coming into the room, he holds out his arms for mama (not yet for me, alas!), and he can kind of keep track of toys and play with them for extended periods of time. Even if that playing mostly involves chewing on different bits, it's a big step up from the days when, if he dropped a toy from his hands, it was out of his mind as well. He's also now become aware of Rascal as a source of amusement: he loves being in Leah's or my lap when we're playing tug with the puppy, and laughs and laughs when Rascal capers. That, plus pulling the poor dog's fur when he can reach it. Ah Rascal, just wait until he can move on his own!

So yes, there's some stress in parenting, but it's well worth it to watch the kid grow and develop. I highly recommend it!
