people are listening?!

It has come to my attention that people are actually reading this blog from time to time. Oh my. You realize that this of course imposes added pressure on us, the writers, to not only come up with new content on a regular basis but to make sure that said content is funny and interesting. It isn't enough, then, to say that Leah can't excercise because she's not supposed to get sweat in her eyes so instead we went for a couple very nice walks this afternoon (and she went for another this morning with my mother), or that we watched a fine film, Garden State, this evening. Nevertheless, those are the true facts.

It was another one of those beautiful thaw days, and that's one reason the walks were very nice (the delightful company was of course the other). There was a whole lot of water all over the place at school, so of course you can imagine the first thing the kids did when they went outside and saw a gigantic puddle under the climbing structure. Most of them actually managed to stay tolerably dry, except in the feet areas, for the whole recess period; sadly, one girl stayed dry the whole time and then fell into the puddle entirely when running to line up to go back inside. She took it remarkably well though: a real trooper.

Leah is wearing dark glasses all the time, including inside the house and at night (not to sleep, though; she has different shields for that, to keep her from disturbing her delicate healing eyes). We had some people come over to look at the house this evening, and you could tell they were wondering but they didn't want to say anything. She took pity on them eventually, and told them what was up. Her eyesight is now 20/20, the doctor told her this morning. It sure is exciting!
