I'm still not voting for her, though

The internets did some research on that "Hillary for You and Me" song I wrote about the other day, and came up with a link to more examples of Gene Wang's oeuvre. I was disappointed to find that none of the tracks listed at that site came anywhere near "Hillary for You and Me" for sheer smooth funk awesomeness—none of them, of course, except "MVP is H-O-T", which is just the same song with different words. Words that are, apparently, about cell phone coverage? I don't know. I suppose that's the original, but it still can't top "our planet's getting hot/ but our global warming plan is not". Jim Morrison, move over: there's someone here to take your crown as the greatest American poet of our times.

"Education, health, and world affairs/ Hillary is the one who cares." Pure genius!

Do I need to mention that this song has been running through my head nonstop for two days now? No, I do not.
