a tale of two houses

Evidence that the real-estate hunt is not dead, we looked at two houses today, and they both were very nice indeed. Now the only problem is... deciding between them! (Actually, that's not really the only problem, since it seems that both properties have already in fact been bid on. But it's the only problem we have any control over.) Anyways, the first house that we saw is a real house, a little cape, that's very much like the one we saw in Bedford except nicer. When we walked away from visiting it we were all, 'let's just buy this one right now.'

Only, then we went to another place, a condo right around the corner from where we live now. It's the uppermost unit of a largish two-family house, and it is both beautiful and large indeed. It has two floors, and the lower has brand-new-waxed floors, tons of light, and very attractive glass-panneled doors between the rooms; add to that a small but very nice kitchen and a huge master bedroom sort of setup on the second (third) floor, and what could be nicer?! Except... the house has kind of a weird setup, with all the rooms leading into other rooms, and it's really more space than we entirely need. Also it has no year (unlike the other place which sits on a respectable portion of land) and, worst of all, is another you-don't-quite-own-this-house setup. Because of those factors I started out arguing strongly for the other house, the cape, but now I am what you might call incredibly conflicted.

Oh well, I can't say I'd be anything but delighted with either place; and maybe after all that we won't even be able to get either of them. We shall see in the next couple days. It's a good thing I'm on vacation, because there's no way I'd be able to handle the stress else. You see how it's keeping me up at night...
