stuffed... with spam!
My goodness, the spambots like reading about crawfish! I have to say, it's kind of discouraging sometimes to be constantly battling these pointless spam comments, many of which don't even help the spammers because there's currently no way for folks to include links in comments, and even if there were it would be in a way that they haven't tried yet. Plus, I'm now blocking any comment that includes the string "href", so that really cuts down on their linking attempts (my apologies to any humans who had a comment blocked for that reason, but I bet it hasn't happened to anyone yet!). The most annoying are the comments that appear in closed topics. How do they do that?! Clearly, the fact that it happens (though only in a few topics, since I fixed the obvious hole) means that the SBS is not quite ready for prime time.
I'm getting paid to play with WordPress these days, so maybe I'll manage to pick up a few tricks from the fine folks developing that ever-so-complicated platform. I hadn't really heard of it before, and I can't imagine why; it's loads better than Movable Type, and completely free too. But I'm glad I didn't, because if I had I'm sure I would have used it instead of making this little machine here. And this was alot of fun, and continues to be. There's something to be said for making something yourself: then you're sure you know what all the parts do! Most of the time, anyways.