i thought this information was only "for us"
I got a new hair color today. I went from light brown with blond highlights to dark brown with copper highlights. As a born-again brunette, i can already feel people taking me more seriously. For example, in the hour since i came home from the salon, Rascal was definitely seeing me as more of an intellectual.
The color was such a startling change when first blown dry that the stylist at the salon said, "Your husband is going to have a whole new wife tonight!"
If by whole new wife, you mean a wife that actually has sex with her husband? Then yes, i hope he does. I sure hope he does.
The other day Dan and i were discussing the college kids we see on our respective campuses, the trials and travails they must go through in order to orchestrate intimate rendez-vouses in the midst of prison-style living conditions. I said, "Isnít it good that weíre married and can have sex any time that we want?î
ìAnd because we can,î he said, ìwe donít have to.î