only outlaws will have pies

It's just like Prohibition, only worse! The city of Boston is moving towards a ban on trans-fats, the latest bugaboo of the self-righteous nanny-staters.* It's true that trans-fats aren't the most healthy food choice, but they make fried chicken crispy and pie crusts flakey! In other words, without them your life may be longer but will it really be worth living? I don't think so.

Luckily, they're only planning to ban their use in restaurants, not in home cooking (not yet anyways!). While I'm pleased to imagine underground pasty clubs where the chefs still use lard in their crusts, the ban won't affect me because I never eat out in Boston if I can help it. Still, it's the principle of the thing. They can have my Crisco when they pry it from my cold dead hands! (which will actually be pretty easy at that point, because of the grease and all...).

*Complaining about the nanny state makes me feel so dirty inside. I'm not a conservative, I promise!
