an evening out

With my mom out of town visiting her new grandchild, we allowed my dad to take us out for dinner. Having never yet seen little Nisia, he was as happy as ever to visit with Harvey, and Harvey could say the same about him. They get along famously, and it sure is fun to see how entranced Harvey is with his grandpa's antics—understated antics, of course, as befitting an Archibald, but antics nonetheless. Especially fun considering it lets us enjoy our dinner in peace! A little dinner, a little dancing afterwords at a very-well attended concert presenting Ben Rudnick and Friends—a band who, incidentally, prove that not all kids' music has to be brain-melting dreck (sorry to keep bringing that up... it's just that the memory of "Peel Banana" has stuck with me...). As an added bonus, we got home before the thunderstorms moved in! A good time all around.