celebrating the darkness

I don't like daylight savings time, on the whole, but I like a party. So I thought we could throw one to celebrate the last Friday evening when it's dark at 6:00 pm, before the clocks change this weekend. In order to honor the darkness we had to be outside, and my friends indulged me for quite a while despite the rapidly sinking temperature.

folks standing around a fire in the grill, lights in the tree above

almost the last evening darkness

Besides the lights in the tree above the supper tables, I also illuminated our little patch of woods—and specifically decorated the three tree platforms we've built so far with lights, so the kids could play in them after dark. Unfortunately all the big kids—or at least, some members of their families—were sick this evening, so Harvey was the oldest present and Zion the second oldest. They still had lots of fun, of course, but they were happy enough with rocking wildly on the hammock. So that was a little disappointing.

But it was still a lovely evening, and even though I did eventually have to let folks go inside, there was ice cream inside (and brownies and caramel sauce!) so that was ok too. And in the absence of big kids I got to snuggle with some little ones who aren't mine, which was a very unaccustomed feeling!

The lights are still up outside too, so stop by any time to see them in action. The big kids will enjoy them, yet. It'll just have to be after 7:00!
