technical update
If you happened to be browsing the blog yesterday or today and saw a PHP error or a notice of bad SQL syntax, you know that I was working on the blog software here. More remains to be done, but there are two exciting new features worthy of particular notice. First, we have an RSS 2.0 feed now. We had RSS 1.0 all along, but I never bothered to advertise it; now, if you want to read the first few characters of every post via the RSS, just point your syndicator at Second, I've created author-based archives, so if you click on Leah's name on any one of her posts you'll see the blog populated by only her writing. Bookmark that instead of the main page, and you'll be guaranteed a squibix family blog experience free of any more whining about Movable Type! The author archive works for me too, but who would want that?!
free as in beer
You know, free beer just doesn't get any love. A long time ago our house-mate Ashley had a dinner party and one of her friends brought along a couple 24-packs of Amstel Light. Since everyone else had come with a bottle of wine or two, only three of the 48 beers were consumed that evening; we managed to put away maybe five more over the next week or so. The rest have had a tough life of it, I'm afraid I have to report.
First, they were shoved into the corner of the dining room, where they sat for some time. Later, they served as a riser for the food and water dishes of Ashley's dog (a St. Bernard) for a while, until she remembered to bring the bowl holder back home. When we cleaned up we put them down in the basement, where I tripped over the boxes more than once. Finally, Ashley had another party in the beginning of February, so she brought them up and put them out on the back porch to chill and be available should anyone want beer that had already been through so much (I don't think she advertised their condition, though). They are still out there today, having endured snow and sleet, sub-zero temperatures and thaws, pouring rain, and direct sun every sunny day between sunrise and noon.
How do you think they taste now? I'll check tomorrow.