outside day

Let me just say first, I come up with all kinds of ideas for great blog entries during the day, but do I remember what they were when I come home and have a chance to write? I do not. I need to get me a little notebook or something. And then, write in it.

Anyways, today was notable as the first outside day of the year--at least, the first running-around outside day. We have not yet reached the stage of sitting under trees. Yesterday and the day before were rainy, so the school children were even crazier than usual; today we didn't even let them take their jackets off when they came in in the morning, we just sent them right out to go run around for a while. Then we went outside two other times after that. It helped some, but there were still outbreaks of insanity and wild hooting. Perhaps the spring does that, regardless of the weather. In any case they were pleasantly suprised: walking down the hall on the way out one was expressing his unhapiness with not having his gloves, only to exclaim, when we got out the door, 'oh, I forgot it was warm!'

We also went out after choir, and played soccer. Being able to run on grass makes everyone feel better, I think.