note to self

I shouldn't try and do any web design stuff when I'm tired like this, much less messing around with the horror that is Moveable Type here. Being appreciative of the comments you folks have been leaving (thanks! and keep em coming, it's great to know people are reading our nonsense!), I thought I'd finally fix up the comment listing pages so they don't have that blue header and other oddities, which resulted from me never paying them any attention before. And I don't think I made things worse, but they aren't all the way better neither. Ah well, tomorrow I'll fix that.

And if I do, it'll be one more productive thing for me than I managed today, because I had a very slow non-productive day. I played some computer games, but I guess that hardly counts. Leah, on the other hand, worked ever so hard all day--because really, if truth be known, she does most of the work over there at that store. Only it's all work that everybody else doesn't think about, or they only notice when if it happens not to get done, so they don't always appreciate nearly as much as she deserves. Which is frustrating and stressful, as I'm sure you can imagine. I don't do much around here, but I did manage to cook her a dinner of coconut bismati rice and curried tofu and chickpeas (the former tasting somewhat better than the latter), but she's already done away with any superiority I may have thus gained by baking me a treat for my birthday. But I can't eat it yet, of course, so more about all that tomorrow.