sunday summer evening

After a busy busy day, our house was the place to be this evening. For kids, at any rate. Not much before 5:00 they started playing in the sprinkler (or not playing, as it happened; but the sprinkler was involved in their game).

the boys and a friend playing under the trees by the fence, with the sprinkler going on the lawn

hiding from the sprinkler

Then we built a fire (and I need to brag: it was all with things we picked up from around the yard and just one match).

Harvey poking a stick into the fire in the kettle grill

what fire is for is poking

I denied the immediate request for marshmallows, but after further reflection I couldn't resist, and they toasted nicely in the coals.

Zion and a friend sitting in the chair by the smokey coals

after marshmallows

It was all lovely; the only problem is all that summer fun pushes bedtime pretty late. How do you think the boys will do tomorrow after not going down until 9:00? I guess we'll see!
