more news from the internets

The folks at LiveJournal have removed a bunch of fanfiction journals or groups or something because they some mention of various "undesirable behaviors". Like, Six Apart isn't happy hosting Harry Potter slash fiction (hot Snape on Harry action!). Who cares: if you want control over your own content, folks, register and design your own sites. It isn't any expensive any more. I felt compelled to comment, though, because much of the reaction has been along the lines of the following:

I'm of the opinion that SixApart has never been good at anything.

Now there's an argument I can get behind!

I'm a bad hippy

I wanted to ride my bike to the library this evening (you know, alternative forms of transport and all) but just as I went to set out, it started raining. I checked the weather radar and it seemed to indicate that the few drops falling were the forerunner of a larger storm, so I regrettably decided that the car might be wiser. The first book I noticed when I reached the library was How to Live Well Without Owning a Car, so I felt kind of bad. By the time I left not only had the rain stopped, but the pavement was already dry.

Also I made myself a delicious healthy dinner of vegetables and lentils, but later decided to bake cookies. Then I ate the leftover cookie dough out of the bowl while watching tv. Baby steps!
