normalizing cycling

I rode to work in the pouring rain again yesterday. In my defense, it wasn't pouring when I started out—just drizzling. Then again, I knew it was going to pour, so I think the prosecutions wins that one. Two people commented that I was hard-core, but I really don't see what the big deal is. I mean, I wore my waterproof gear and it was a warm day, so there was really very little discomfort involved.

But then, there are people who are surprised I ride my bike even in the nicest of weather. One of the fourth graders was shocked, shocked! to hear that I had stopped by the grocery store to pick up straws (to make pyramids for math!). She remained incredulous even after I told her it was on the way: "it's not on the way from my house!" she said. Nope, I'm not coming from around the corner, even if I do arrive under my own power!
