this moment

When I read the comments on Soule Mama I lose all will to live—or at least to make any effort at creating a vibrant website that reflects the activities and interests of our family in an entertaining and reliably periodical fashion. So many people writing blogs out there that are somehow more popular than ours by an order of magnitude or two despite each filled with the same inanities as any other. At least our inanities are unique! I am bitter, bitter. I feel the same way when I'm passed by another cyclist.

It's horrible of me, I know: I should be rejoicing in the outpouring of creativity by thousands of people worldwide who want to live a more authentic lifestyle. They're all knitting and baking and getting chickens just like us—and, Leah tells me, moving to farms. Surely this is a good thing? But they're none of them cynical enough for me. Too much woo.

Bah humbug.
