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I got my real computer back! And it still works, as is evidenced by the fact that I'm now typing this on it. You can't tell that, of course, but you can take my word for it. And ain't it nice. Only trouble is my external speakers seem not to be working, which is unfortunate, since listening to music was one of the things I was looking forward to most. Hopefully the problem is something I can sort out short of buying whole new speakers.

Some hours, or some amount of time anyways, have passed between the end of the last paragraph and the beginning of this one. That is the joy and beauty of having a computer that's not a pain to use!* I watched some petty fights on IRC, read some articles online, played some pop-pop... and before I knew it it was now! It's a good thing, I have to say, cause Leah had to stay late at work cause there was no one else there or something, so I would have been dead bored otherwise. I might have even been driven to watching tv!! As it is, I could waste time in a slightly more interactive fashion. Only problem is now I don't have any more excuses for not doing real work, so I'd better get right on that tomorrow. Look out for some beautiful paintings Leah did posted tomorrow.

[*er... except, the real computer here is a bit of a pain in the neck in the literal sense. I need to get something to put under the monitor to make it about six inches taller...]

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