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bitching about stitching

In July I started knitting a onesie for Harvey, out of the pattern book Natural Knits for Kids. I won't include a link, because I wouldn't strongly recommend this book... there were some silly omissions in this pattern that gave me a lot of trouble, and in the end I think that this yarn (made from woven corn husks) is too rough to sit against a baby's skin without an intermediate layer. All in all, not a super successful project... only successful in the fact that I FINALLY GOT IT DONE this week and can now move onto other things in my life.

For weeks I've complained and complained about this onesie; that the summer was leaving us with nary a chance to test it out; that all my 3 month knitting effort was misplaced and should have been diverted to dieting. Today however, after an evening of re-sewing all the buttons, I finally got my chance at a photo shoot.

At was nice to have a real hot day to test drive the scratchy monstrosity. And also, you know, get outside by the water and look all boating. Now it's off to the closet for you, mister!

Yes, I'm talking to you mister corn-husk bum.

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