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If you've been expecting an email from me this is why it's late

Since I transitioned from a full-time worker to a full-time mom and homemaker, some things have become easier and some things have become harder. It's been easier, for example, to vacuum the living room twice a week, to keep the laundry at a manageable level, and to make healthy food for lunch and dinner. It's been harder on the other hand to do anything involving the computer. Respond to email, download pictures, or, er, blog. These are near impossibilities unless I do them when Harvey is asleep. And he's not a big sleeper; 30 minutes to 1 hour for a nap, 1-2 extra hours at night before we go to bed... and I also need those hours for other things that Harvey can't be around. Like cooking, or unloading the dishwasher. Or, er, going to the bathroom in peace.

Which is not to say that I'm giving up blogging, only offering an excuse for the sporadic nature of my posting. I'd like to share much more about Harvey and his development. Like how he says a million words now, and a million more each day. He's totally a little toddler, a "no" machine with a will of iron. He loves dogs and balls and cookies and tea. He's worth giving up on email.

I was going to end this post with a cute picture of Harvey, but that involves 1) charging my camera, 2) downloading the pictures to my computer, which means 3) finding two separate cords in the mess that is my desk. So I give up. He's cute. Take my frazzled-ass word for it.

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