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it's not a party it's an intimate get-together

a half-eaten pink birthday cake

looks like a birthday

We celebrated Harvey's birthday last Saturday. Unlike last year we didn't make a big production of it: it was strictly a family-only affair. The highlight of the afternoon, as far as I'm concerned, was the cake. I made it and it looked and even tasted like a real cake, just like one from a mix! Harvey approved:

Harvey taking a big bite of birthday cake

bad photo, good cake

I should also note that he easily blew out the two candles on his first try.

Grandma Beth took charge of the present-opening part of the entertainments, so we got to sit back and relax as Harvey opened a new potty, camping chair, scooter, and train set. Also french fries and bubble stuff which, honestly, would alone enough to satisfy him that birthdays are totally awesome. Which isn't to say that he didn't appreciate the other stuff!

Harvey looking at his new trains

The possibilities of each new item are very much still bring explored.

Harvey ready to take off on his new scooter

stand onna scooter


omg, the title made me laugh out loud! I'm probably the only one, though. Here's the context for the un-initiated:

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