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Dear Dan,

I am very happy that you were born 28 years ago today, and that i was born four years and 55 days after that. It's was simply a wonderful idea of mine that i gave you a head start on maturity so that we could be roughly equal when we met 15 years later. Other than the fact that our biological clocks now alarm at different junctures, i'm very happy that you're older and wiser while i'm still younger and cuter... and you're still pretty cute yourself so i don't mind it if you keep pestering me to start making babies for the next five or ten years or so.

All in all, Dan, i love you soooooooooooooooooooooo much, and i look forward to celebrating all our birthdays together, forever and ever, for as long as God gives us to have birthdays. It's only 55 days until mine, and then only 309 more days until yours, and from today March 5, can you belive it, it's only 548 more days until our first wedding anniversary!!!

I love you 364 unbirthdays, plus 1.

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