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Thank Goodness it's Saturday, which is friday to leah, meaning the last day of my workweek. This week has been a loooooong one. It started with that trip to New York; let us never speak of it again. On the plus side, my sudden burst of depression made it easy to transition into crash dieting and as a result i only have four lbs to go before i hit my wedding goal weight (if i get there in two weeks and am still fat, then i'll lower the goal, so no worries about me slacking off.) I am doing pretty well on my new diet, if i do say so myself. One week down already. As the weight goes down, what goes up? Mostly the cussing. All of a sudden i'm in a big group of people and say "G-d Damn it, i want a F-ing piece of Pizza." I think it's dieting induced Terrets. Is that how you spell that disease, or am i talking about some architectural feature on a Castle? Dan, help me out in the editing!

Dan is helping out A LOT this weekend, as he does always, but this weekend in particular because i told my parents that i would take care of their dog Lokie, but then left him in Dan's care all day. After my parents dropped Lokie off, i called Dan to see how it was going so far and i heard Lokie HOWLING and HOWLING in the backround like he had just been orphined! Tears your heart out, the sad song of a poor puppy. Thankfully, Dan took him out for a good run in the woods, and then Lokie remembered that he likes us and calmed down. I can't wait to go home and take a good walk with the puppy myself. We want a puppy of our own someday! But ours won't be quite so howly...

Only 20 days till my vacation starts; i counted. 20 days to vacation, and 22 days till Oona!!!!!!!!!!! Oona is my other best friend, the one i'm not marrying, and she lives in Seattle, which is too far away. While she's here i'm going to try to convince her that she should move into my spare bedroom and work at my jewelry store. Then i will have everything that i want in the world!

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