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Feed a Cold.

Dan woke up AGAIN this morning at 6 to bake muffins. That's baked goods every day this week, except for yesterday when we had enough dinner-party leftovers to feed a small country (especially if that country is Mybellyistan... mmmm good leftovers). Because i'm still sick with the stuffy-head runny-nose fever-monster-cold-flu, i slept late (until 7am!) and awoke to fresh muffins, and because i'm still sick, hot tea and oatmeal.

To all you reading this post:
HA HA Suckers!! He's MY husband, and YOU can't HAVE HIM!!!!!

Tonight we're throwing anouther dinner party for my girl-scout-leader pals and their significant others. By WE i mean Dan is doing all the cooking and cleaning and preparing and i will come home from work a half-hour before the party and set the table. Again, i say it: "He's MY husband!!!!!!! And I win."

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