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Happy Thanksgiving, Eh?

Last night we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving at the house of Alan, who is Canadian and, not connected to being Canadian, dating my friend Cara but, connected to be Canadian, threw a great Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. There were lots of people there, all wonderfully under the age of 30, and miraculously amidst that group there were two other couples who were married, one couple who were engaged, one couple who are seriously dating, and only one single guy (but he has a serious relationship with the Lord Christ). So all in all, it was a very stable environment to party. That's what you get when you hang around with Christian school-teachers, i guess: Swell folks who marry early; not like all those promiscuous atheists i went to school with. My only quam with the party was that they didn't put out appetizers. Are appetizers traditional for thanksgiving? I just think a dinner party without appetizers equals a room full of hungry people getting too drunk before the food is put out. But that's only a minor quam. Mostly, i had a very excellent time.

Now i am in my store on my day off because our house currently features no computers in working order, and i need to type / write for the first time my grad-school essays which are due at the end of this week. Only one more to write, and then to finish my resume, and then to get them all checked and looked over before sending. I have been procrastinatory up until this point, because i am somewhat ambivalent about entering grad-school this January. If i get in, i will be very happy with it, but if i don't in i may also be happy about it. I don't know. I am quite ambivalent about my life right now. At least being in the store to write my essays did some good; i sold two gold chains and a gold charm to a customer who came pounding on the door. Even on rainy monday holidays, if they can see you inside, they still make you work!

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