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oh yeah, what's happening in the garden?

With so much going on last week I forgot all about the garden report! So here's an interim update. Awesome: beans, kale, zinnias. Parsley. Producing well but suffering from disease or otherwise reaching the end of the line: cucumbers and basil. Starting to come on strong: peppers and (if only we can keep off the blight) tomatoes.

the garden on August 10


Really, it's delightful how much food we're getting out of the garden lately. The majority of our vegetable intake and, with the blueberries still going and the apples starting to get ripe, fruit too. The garlic is all in and it did amazing, though I think I should have pulled it before we went to Maine rather than after, since some of the heads got a little too dry. And we're eating all the cucumbers we could possibly want, so while I'm a little sad to see the vines succumbing to downy mildew or whatever it is, we could also take a break from cucumbers for a little while. The boys and I put in some heavy weeding time after we got back from camping, so things are looking well in that regard too. Lots of work to do each week for sure, but I think it's safe to say that in the beginning of August the state of the garden is strong!

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