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Black Friday! No it's NOT the plague!

HAPPY BLACK FRIDAY!!! Much more exciting than thanksgiving, this is the shopping holiday that traditionally puts retailers yearly balance books out of the red and into the black. For us, however, that's more likely to happen NEVER!!! but that's okay, it's still just as hectic and scattered here at the store, and i am anxiously awaiting our opening in an hour an a half....

Last night was thanksgiving at my mother's house, featuring mystery guests, dessert joined by the A-------d clan, and LEAH'S SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER!!!!! These days i am convinced that absolutely no one likes me, that everything i say sounds stupid or retarded, that i look like a fat ugly slob, and that everyone is murmuring these things under their breath. My parents are disapointed by my life choices, my brother in law hates me for being a sell-out, his girlfriend thinks i'm pushy and annoying, and my own husband is only tollerating my presence until i straighten up and lose that f-ing 15 pounds i put on since our numptuals. Am i making these things up??? MAYBE! Who knows? They're true enough in my head to send me vomiting in a corner at the thought of meeting new people. Maybe what i need is an airport bench on the beach.....

On the plus side, i am completely ready for a busy day at the store, what with eating 15hundred pounds of carbs last night and completely obliterating my South Beach diet that was going so well... Not. Bring on the customers! Maybe this year i will get still more women asking me when the baby's due!!!

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