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Don't pass the plate folks

Dear [church person in charge of organizing things that cost money],

Thank you for your e-mail. The upcoming church ski trip sounds like an excellent opportunity for fun and fellowship, and i appreciate the invitation. Unfortunately, it is not within my means to attend this year. I recently learned that i am being laid off from my job, shortly after i begin my very expensive graduate degree program. As you can imagine, this comes as a bit of a financial shock after Dan was laid off just six months ago. What with morgage payments and loans accumulating, it doesn't look favorable that we will be able to afford a vacation in the forseeable future. Unless you count our eventual deaths and, God-willing, assention into heaven as a vacation. I do look forward to such a change of scenery!
Have fun with the kids, and i'm sorry again that i won't be in attendance.

Faithfully yours,

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