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I Want to Break Free

My parents stopped by last night to drop off some work stuff, and stayed just long enough to make me feel like a horrible failing failure in every respect, who will never make anything of herself because of being such a horrible failing failure. Weekly i am reminded why i fled to California... too bad I FAILED at making enough money there to support myself, and then FAILED to convince my husband that it was a good place to stay, only to move back home and where any small mistake such as "not making sure Dad didn't lose the petty cash" is met with the reasurance, "That's okay sweety, we knew all along that you were retarded."

I would happily flee again, if my parents didn't OWN EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE rendering all my hard work both futile and patronizingly amusing. Oh, isn't that cute, she's TRYING. Try harder, sweety, and maybe you'll get a cookie.

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