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I phoned the lovely Cyndi to ask if she could work wiht me this weekend (with my fingers crossed on both hands, please, please, pretty please say yes...) and she obliged. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! This GOB sale has been shear madness (sounds like a great name for a hair salon, don't you think? Am i the first one to think of that?) with ladies coming in and RAIDING the store like they were VIKINGS, PILAGING the once beautiful and valuable valuables. Hmmmmm, i don't know if i want this $20 ring or this $20 ring..... let me take more moments of your time while i decide..... IT'S PRICED TO MOVE PEOPLE!!! THAT MEANS YOU GOTTA MOVE TOO!

On a happier note, i did three hours of homework last night and learned some things too... like don't drink tea while you're studying until 11pm... you will NEVER sleep through the night. All i dreamed about were bathrooms, delicious bathrooms. The lexicon of business law, however, was notable absent from my reveries. How can i get you to work FOR me, subconscious?

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