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the blizzard that wasn't

Well, actually it was, once. But now it isn't any more. Never in my life have I seen so much snow fall and melt in such a short span of time. Obviously, there are reasons to be sad the snow is going so quickly: the Junior Choir likes to play in it, for example. But there are good points, too, like it helps with the dog training. I paid big bucks to get a long leash--75 cents a foot seems a little steep, does it not?--and the warm weather made it very pleasant to be outside practicing the come skill. I could get to like the new leash: Rascal doesn't really know he's wearing it, so when he gets bored and decides to head next door, I can yank him back; for all he knows it's like one of those invisible electric fences! Then again, it was only the first trial. He's a smart cookie, it may well be that he figures it out before too long. Only 11 more months of puppy teenager-hood to go!

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