pink eye for the thin guy
this must have happened to you too at some point. yesterday morning i woke up and could barely open my eyes; they were all sticky and crusty. so i went to the bathroom to wash my face and sure enough, my eyes were all red and yucky. So i went back to bed (this still being like 6am and all) thinking "this sucks. now i have to go to the doctor, and get medicine, and put a hot wash-cloth over my eyes, and blah-blah-blah complain-complain. Thus i rolled back into bed, waking up the sleepy cutie pie, and he rolls over all sleepy like to hug me, and i scream "Don't touch me! Dont touch me! I have an eye infection! It's terribly contagious!!!" Poor thing, how does he every put up with me? Well that sure woke him up.
Well, we went to the doctor early in the morning, or i should say the ucla clinic, because i've never actually met my personal doctor, but that's an HMO thing. Good old dan came with me and waited in the waiting room. the doctor came in and said, "So you have an eye infection? Wow, your eyes look gross!" Thankfully, he was just being funny for my benefit. he perscribed me some eye drop anti-biotics and then sent me on my way. The drugs we picked up at the Ralphs immedietly after. the whole ordeal: doctor plus drugs, only costed me $20 total. not bad.
Then all day Dan got to be annoyed by me saying: "don't touch my eyes! don't touch my face! quick, wash your hands!"
poor thing.
But now i'm doing much better, cept i have to wear my glasses for a few days yet. and dan hasn't gotten the disease, so in a couple of days we'll be home free. knock on wood.
Speaking of wood, dan failed to describe the glory of our beautiful bookcase. it's really nice. if only now we could move the million card-board boxes out of this place...
The other discovery of today is that Dan has become ghastly thin since living with me. Well, not ghastly necessarily, since he still has the cutest baby cheeks you've ever seen, but thin. i noticed today, because he was wearing an orange tight record-boy shirt that i gave him, and i said "where did the rest of you go?" And how come he gets to get thinner and i get fatter from us living together? So no fair.
I brought home a pie as a present to Dan, so he could have more dessert and also feel a little fattened up. He said "We can't afford pies" but i think that might mean "thank you" in Dan-speak. his slim little belly will thank me later, anyways.