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Good Friday, Bad Churchy

Dan sung in the choir during his aforementioned church service, so sitting out of view from the rector, where he was free to make faces at younger choristers, he was unable to experience the full boredom that was the two hour service last evening. Let me give you a recap: First we knelt in silence for five minutes, then we heard bible for 30 minutes, then we heard a sermon made out of the kind of internet dirge that goes straight into my JUNK MAIL folder.(Too... many... liturgical bear.) Then we "reverenced the cross" for about 60 minutes going on a million. Reverencing involved standing staring at a 9-foot wooden cross as it moved up the isle two feet after every five-minute tenor solo. And Dan wasn't even singing! I have never felt more purposefully irreverent in my life! Well, maybe in high school.

After the service i met Dan in the choir room and he whispered to me, "Let's celebrate Good Friday at home next year."
"Next year in Israel." I said.

Thankfully, tomorrow will be a happy holiday and reverencing will be out the window, on the lawn with the chocolate Easter eggs. Hosanna in the highest!

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